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Ecotain® environmental plantain : Stacking up the benefits

*Lincoln University lysimeter studies (Woods, 2017)

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Ecotain environmental plantain | Agricom

Ecotain combines four modes of action that work together to significantly reduce N leaching from the urine patch.

Dilute: Ecotain environmental plantain increases the volume of urine animals produce, which means the N being excreted is in a more dilute form, resulting in a reduced N load in the urine patch.

Reduce: Ecotain reduces the amount of dietary N which is excreted in urine, compared with ryegrass. This reduces the amount of N released into the soil via the urine patch.

Delay: In urine patches from animals grazing Ecotain, the conversion from ammonium to nitrate is delayed. Slower conversion allows plants a greater opportunity to uptake N, significantly reducing the potential for leaching.

Restrict: The presence of Ecotain plants in the soil reduces nitrate leaching by restricting the amount of leachable nitrogen in the soil. 

Learn more about the science behind Ecotain® environmental plantain here.

Glenn Judson | Agricom
An environmental breakthrough in nitrogen mitigation

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