
For dryland and hard sheep grazing

Nomad white clover logo
  • Sowing Time Early
  • Leaf Size Small
  • Pasture Life Perennial
  • Grazing Seasons Spring, Summer

Nomad is a small to medium-leaved white clover particularly suited to New Zealand’s drier regions and as a base component for white clover blends.

  • Small to medium-leaved white clover
  • Bred for increased stolon recovery after dry summers
  • Persistent clover under hard grazing
  • Should be included in all dryland mixes

Nomad was bred by AgResearch Grasslands utilising summer-dry east coast hill country ecotypes selected from old pastures from Gisborne to Canterbury.

Nomad was selected for drought tolerance by having strong autumn stolon recovery after a dry summer. Nomad has resistance to pepper spot, leaf rust and sclerotinia. Nomad also has a high seed yield, for natural re-seeding.

Mainstay white clover

Performance Data

 Annual growth of white clover under sheep grazing relative to Huia = 100, AgResearch, Lincoln 1998-2001

Cultivar  Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
 Nomad 117 128 125
Huia 100 100 100
Tahora 79 103 106
Prestige 87 92 92
LSD (0.05) 14 14 15


Relative Growth

Cultivar Stolon Density Spread Year 3 Oct 99 Stolon Density May 00 Spread

 (Huia = 100%)
 Nomad 117 128 125 2.4 257
Demand 117 113 98 3.2 236


79 103 106 2.4 159
Pitau 102 107 85 2.2 201
Huia 100 100 100 2.4 227
Prop 80 71 63 2.8 178
Prestige 87 92 92 2.6 199

Suggested Mixes

Sheep and Beef Pasture Example Mixes (Diploid Perennial)

Prospect (+12 days) Example Mix Rate (kg/ha)
Prospect AR37 or AR1 perennial ryegrass 18
Tribute white clover 3
Nomad white clover 2
Relish or Sensation red clover 4
Tonic plantain 2
Samson AR37, AR1 or LE perennial ryegrass Rate (kg/ha)
 Samson AR37, AR1 or LE perennial ryegrass 18
Savvy cocksfoot 2
Tribute white clover 2
Nomad white clover 3
Choice chicory 2
Tonic plantain 1

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