

Align perennial ryegrass logo
  • Heading Date Very late (+35)
  • Ploidy Tetraploid
  • Suggested sowing rate (kg/ha) 22-25
  • Endophyte AR37
  • Rust Tolerance Excellent
  • Pasture Life Perennial

Align is a high performance tetraploid perennial ryegrass that is productive throughout the year providing resilient, quality drymatter for modern production systems.

  • High annual yields
  • Very strong summer and autumn growth
  • Excellent crown rust tolerance
  • Ideal for dairy pastures, and sheep and beef finishing

Align is characterised by a dense and productive growth habit throughout August and September. This can be a period of wet soils when most pasture damage occurs and it’s a time when broad upright tetraploids often can be severely damaged with normal early spring grazing. Align's dense habit creates better ground cover that can be more tolerant in early spring.

Align is an elite perennial ryegrass for crown rust tolerance and maintains dark green healthy pastures throughout the year. Align is a highly vegetative perennial that can be kept in a vegetative state with both dairy grazing rotations and sheep and beef grazing systems.​

Align is a smart grass that remains dense during wet winter and early spring conditions then becomes bigger, broader and more upright as the season gets hotter. This adaptability ensures year round productivity, delivering resilient, high quality drymatter for modern production systems.

Learn more about the high producing tetraploid perennial ryegrass Align on The Al & Juddy Show podcast, or check out more Seed Dating episodes here.


Align (right) showing quality, Waimana, Whakatane.

Align (right) showing quality and volume on July 13th 2023, 55 days after it’s first cut in Waimana, Whakatane.

Performance Data

Align has outstanding drymatter production with a significant improvement over its predecessor Halo through spring, while having an extremely strong summer autumn and winter growth habit. The accumulated yield graph highlights that yield improvement is constant, as no other cultivars line catches up at any particular time of the year. It also shows how Align maintains its productivity over time.




Suggested Mixes

Dairy pasture mix 

Align is a perfect ryegrass choice for maintaining peak lactation well into early summer. Its combination of density and yield makes it attractive to dairy farmers who are extending their rotation lengths and are looking for grass to maintain quality at higher pre-grazing yields.

  Rate (kg/ha)
Align AR37 tetraploid perennial ryegrass  25
Brace white clover 3
Attribute white clover 2


Tetraploid diploid mixed pasture

The ultimate summer pasture combo. 

  Rate (kg/ha)
Align AR37 tetraploid perennial ryegrass  12
Three60 AR37 diploid perennial ryegrass 10
Brace white clover 2
Attribute white clover  2
Relish red clover  4

Sheep and beef mix 

Align is tolerant of set stocking for lambing and is the perfect grass for supporting liveweight gain of both ewes and lambs during late lactation. After weaning, pasture quality is maintained through early summer, making Align ideal for newly weaned lambs. Combined with legumes and herbs it can create a stunning summer pasture.

  Rate (kg/ha)
 Align AR37 tetraploid perennial ryegrass  22
Attribute white clover 3
Emblem white clover  2
Relish red clover 4
Choice chicory 1

Rotation Products